The Best Of The Best Drum & Bass Collection
- Type:
- Audio > Music
- Files:
- 205
- Size:
- 1.42 GB
- Quality:
- +0 / -0 (0)
- Uploaded:
- Dec 21, 2006
- By:
- DJ_Sooflet
******************************************************************************************* [EN] This is Absolutely Ultimate Drum'n'Bass Collection. Just The Best of The Best of The Best. About: + 170 tracks (0,98GB) selected from over 800+ tracks of Ultimate D'n'B collection (1GB out of over 4,5GB) + PLUS 3 Prodigy albums (32 tracks - 424MB): - Experience (1992) - Music For The Jilted Generation (1994) - The Fat Of The Land (1997) + PLUS 2 extra tracks - Soundtracks from the Matrix I movie (16,5 MB) - Rob-White Zombie - Dragula (Matrix Remix).mp3 - The Matrix Soundtrack - 04 - Rob D - Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Mix).Mp3 * The selection was done by a music composer (myself), to ensure best *musical* quality of all tracks * The selection took LOTS OF HOURS - i listened EVERY TRACK one after another, to make sure they're all "worthy" including in this collection. This is done for all of you who enjoy more complex and demanding music. You can now make a Drum'n'Bass playlist easily without loosing your precious time for separating the wheat from the chaff, as all the tracks in this collection are great. ******************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************* [PL] To jest Absolutnie Ultymatywna Kolekcja Myzyki Drum and Bass. Tylko Najlepsze z Najlepszych z Najlepszych. Troche informacji: + 170 sciezek (0,98GB) wybranych z posrod ponad 800+ sciezek z Ultymatywnej Kolekcji D'n'B (1GB z ponad 4,5GB) + PLUS 3 albumy Prodigy (32 sciezki - 424MB): - Experience (1992) - Music For The Jilted Generation (1994) - The Fat Of The Land (1997) + PLUS 2 ekstra sciezki - Sciezki z filmu Matrix I (16,5 MB) - Rob-White Zombie - Dragula (Matrix Remix).mp3 - The Matrix Soundtrack - 04 - Rob D - Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Mix).Mp3 * Selekcja zostala dokonana przez kompozytora muzyki (mnie), zeby zapewni? najlepsza *muzyczna* jakosc wszystkich sciezek * Selekcja zabrala kilkadziesiat godzin - sluchalem KAZDEJ SCIEZKI jedna po drugiej, zeby upewnic sie ze wszystkie sa "godne" umieszczenia w tej kolekcji. To jest zrobione dla wszystkich was, lubiacych bardziej skomplikowana i wymagajaca muzyke. Teraz mozecie z latwoscia zrobic sobie playliste Drum&Bass bez spedzania masy cennego czasu na oddzielanie ziarna od plew, jako ze wszystkie sciezki w tej kolekcji sa swietne. *******************************************************************************************
Wish you have fun watching Stargate and Battlestar Galactica !!
Wish you have fun watching Stargate and Battlestar Galactica !!
This is really a fine collection, thx man I really appreciate this! :D
Nice :)
Thanks, I can't begin to say how much I love this torrent.
This isn't just music.
This was my life for 10 years.
This isn't just music.
This was my life for 10 years.
Thank You Very Much for the upload!
Like RogueP said, this is not just music. :)
Like RogueP said, this is not just music. :)
So Nice not just music I say..
Daghang Salamat Higla!!!!
Daghang Salamat Higla!!!!
Cheers for this! Is there any particular order to the files like a compilation album or anything?
u r wkd ty :x and absolutly mint collection
What the...
You're a living god, men.
THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!11one1eleven!!!
You're a living god, men.
THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!11one1eleven!!!
Thanks man.
All tracks are really low kbps though, but they're rare so it's cool.
All tracks are really low kbps though, but they're rare so it's cool.